Our charity

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Charity has a long heritage in Warrington, Halton, and the surrounding areas, and we have been supporting residents, patients and staff since 1996. We are experienced in ensuring that every donation made is put to the best use.

Our vision is to improve our patients, staff and volunteers’ overall experience and wellbeing by providing additional equipment, technology, or training; funding WHH-related research; improving the hospital environment; and providing enhancements to support the care and comfort of those who visit our hospitals.

Over the past 10 years our WHH Charitable Fund has raised more than £2million, which has been invested where it is needed most. Because of your support so far we have been able to create remembrance and therapy gardens, build a new children’s play area, construct our Sanctuary Hub to support staff mental health and wellbeing, and introduce activity tables for dementia patients, gaming stations for the Children’s Ward, foldaway beds for overnight patients, Abi cots to support bereaved families, and much more.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis continues to have a huge impact on the charity sector as the impact on household budgets is felt widely. So it is vital that we evolve and expand our charity presence while staying true to our core values.

We want to work together with our local communities so we can continue providing additional comforts, care, and experiences for the direct benefit of our patients and their families, beyond which the NHS is able to provide.

There are many ways you can help. Whether it’s taking part in a fundraiser on behalf of WHH Charity, attending one of our events, becoming a volunteer, making a single donation or becoming a regular donor, joining our lottery or simply sharing our social media posts, all contributions are gratefully received and appreciated.

We’re also incredibly thankful for the legacy donations and gifts in wills that we receive. Legacies help us to plan for the future and every gift, no matter the size, makes a significant difference to our work.

If you would like to lend your support we would love to hear from you, so please do get in touch. 

The charity makes a significant contribution to WHH in many ways, but we know so much more can be achieved by working together. 


WHH Charity website provides details of current fundraising campaigns and opportunities to support the work of the charity.

To get in touch:

Email: whh.charity@nhs.net

Call: 01925 662666