Trust awarded for high-quality support of international nurses and midwives

NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award logo.

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WHH) has received a prestigious NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award which recognises the exceptional support offered for internationally recruited nursing and midwifery colleagues.  

The award celebrates WHH’s work in international recruitment and acknowledges the high-quality pastoral care that is provided to internationally educated nurses and midwives throughout the recruitment process, upon joining the organisation and beyond. 

The Trust first welcomed a group of international nurses more than 20 years ago and since the launch of the international nurse recruitment programme in 2020 has been joined by over 200 international colleagues.
To achieve the award, the Trust was required to meet a set of standards that were co-developed with regional and trust international recruitment leaders and international nursing and midwifery associations. These associations provide pastoral and professional support to international nurses and midwives in the UK. 

Ali Kennah, Chief Nurse at WHH said: “I am delighted that the work of our teams to provide an outstanding recruitment and employment process for our international nurses and midwives has been acknowledged by gaining this award. It not only commends the high-quality pastoral care and wellbeing support we offer to newly recruited and existing employees, but highlights our ongoing commitment to creating a welcoming, supportive and inclusive workplace where people can thrive.” 


Photo of Gilbert Briones, Nurse at Warrington and Halton Hospitals.

Gilbert Briones, a nurse from the Philippines, praised the support he has received since joining in 2021. He said: “The support of my Trust for international nurses has been continuous throughout and I was well supported during my transition and preparation for moving to the UK. During my preceptorship period I took advantage of all opportunities and have been supported to embrace new roles to further my personal and professional growth and development while providing services to my Trust.”  

Launched in 2022, the award is part of the NHS England programme that supports organisations to develop their international recruitment plans. Once trusts have achieved the award, they are reassessed every three years. 

You can find more information about the award on the NHS England website.