Your health in pregnancy

Smokefree Pregnancy Service

The Smokefree Pregnancy Service are specialist midwives and support workers based at Warrington and Halton Hospitals. We see pregnant people who wish for support to stop smoking.

We can also see partners, family members and friends who want to quit too and can come to your appointment with you. We can do consultations in the hospital, in the community or on the telephone. 

We see people who are planning a pregnancy, at any stage in their pregnancy, or are postnatal. If you still need support after pregnancy we will transfer your care to Livewire Warrington. You can also be given Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) at your appointment in the form of patches, mouth spray, inhalator, gum or lozenges if you wish to use it to support your quit attempt.

Stopping smoking will greatly reduce your risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects, premature birth, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Stopping smoking will also help children in later life as it will reduce their risk of asthma, respiratory and ear infections, and mean that they are less likely to become a smoker themselves.

If you wish for any support or have any questions, please call or text us on 07770341468 / 07824431631 or you can ask your midwife or doctor to refer you via BadgerNet to the Smokefree Pregnancy Service. 

Maternal vaccinations in pregnancy

For more information on the following vaccines: COVID-19 vaccines, whooping cough vaccine, flu vaccine watch the video.