Neonatal Unit

General introduction

The Neonatal Unit cares for babies born from 27 weeks gestation who have a number of medical conditions.

Some babies cared for on the unit are born prematurely, others are born with breathing difficulties or feeding problems and some are born with abnormalities.

We admit approximately 350 babies each year and have 14 cots, which are split into three areas:

  • intensive care (2)
  • high dependency (4)
  • special care (8)

Transitional care is provided for babies who are well enough to be cared for at their mother’s bedside but require support from the nursing and medical team. If your baby requires treatment for jaundice, antibiotic therapy, feeding support or if your baby arrives earlier than expected our transitional care service allows for your baby to stay with you on the ward, rather than transferring to the Neonatal Unit.

We aim to provide the best possible care for babies and families in an environment that is appropriate for their medical, developmental and social needs.

We respect our parents’ views and wishes and encourage them to be partners in their baby's care. We encourage family integrated care (FiCare), providing information and guidance for their individual needs. 

Having a baby on a neonatal unit can raise a number of mixed emotions for families. The importance of parents' presence and involvement in care on the unit cannot be underestimated. 

Neonatal units can also be an overwhelming place for families, filled with uncertainty and worry. The team are here to offer parents support and guidance throughout their baby’s journey on the ward, whether that is days, weeks or months.

To view the tour of the unit, please use this link: Warrington Hospital Neonatal Unit tour.

Visiting times

Parents are allowed to visit their babies at any time and have 24-hour access to the unit; this also includes the baby’s siblings.

Find out more about visiting information for the unit.

How to access this service

Babies can be transferred to the Neonatal Unit following birth or within the first hours / days. 

Babies may be transferred from Birth Suite, postnatal ward or from our midwifery-led unit The Nest.

There may also be times where your baby was born at a different hospital and your baby’s care is transferred to us as we are your local hospital.

Babies who require more complex medical or surgical care may need to be transferred to a specialist hospital. Any transfers are communicated with parents before this takes place.

About the team

The Neonatal Unit is staffed by an expert multi-disciplinary team which includes consultant paediatricians (doctors specialising in the care of children), highly trained neonatal nurses and a full support team including nursery nurses.

You may also be seen by one of our advanced practitioners who often have several years of experience within the NHS, as nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and midwives within the clinical specialty. They apply their clinical skills and decision making to provide high level of knowledge and clinical care to our patients and their families.

Useful information

Contact Us


01925 662278


Croft Wing - first floor,

Warrington Hospital

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