
General introduction

Our Orthotics Department helps to treat and rehabilitate patients by providing an orthosis to aid movement, correct deformity and relieve discomfort. 

An orthosis is a device applied externally to any part of the body to support, correct, prevent or compensate for a skeletal deformity or weakness. It may also be applied to assist, allow or restrict movement of any part of the body. 

Orthoses fall into many different groups such as:

•    footwear and insoles
•    calipers and splints
•    spinal braces
•    knee braces
•    compression hosiery

We commonly prescribe corrective insoles, shoe adaptations, footwear and bracing for the lower limb (legs and feet), upper limb (arms and hands) and the spine.

We also aim to offer a continuing programme of maintenance, repair, reassessment and review of need once an orthosis has been supplied. Orthotics may be made to measure or supplied 'off the shelf'.

Comprehensive, personalised advice is given to every patient who accesses the service.

Opening times

Warrington Hospital: Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm and 1.15pm to 3.30pm

Halton Hospital, Captain Sir Tom Moore Building Monday, 9am to 12pm; 
Wednesday, 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 3.30pm; Friday, 9am to 12pm

How to access this service

Access into Orthotics is by referral only.

For a first appointment you will need to be referred by your GP, community allied health professional (such as a podiatrist or physiotherapist) or a hospital consultant.

You should be referred to the Department of Orthotics within the hospital in which you saw your hospital consultant; Warrington Hospital, Halton Hospital Nightingale Building or Halton Hospital Captain Sir Tom Moore Building.

Once your referral has been accepted, it will be triaged by the principal orthotist based on clinical need and allocated to either the routine or urgent waiting list in line with the referrer request. 

The majority of people will be seen in the orthotic clinics where they are allocated an appointment time and will see the orthotist, The orthotist will assess what kind of orthosis would be appropriate for your treatment and will measure and order the orthosis.

Once the orthosis has been made you will be required to attend a fitting appointment.

About the team

The department consists of our orthotic service lead, highly experienced specialist orthotists and clerical support staff.

Useful information

What might happen at your first appointment?

Assessment - the orthotist will examine you and assess what the best treatment option is for you. You may need to undress for the assessment and measurement or plaster moulds may be take. Please wear loose clothing and avoid wearing tights.

If you wish, you may bring a relative or friend into the appointment with you.

A small range of orthoses are kept at the hospital. We may give you one of these at your first appointment.

Most orthoses have to be ordered or made specifically for you. We order the orthosis you need from different companies which can take some time to come back. 

What happens after the appointment?

Fitting - when your orthosis is ready, it will be sent back to the orthotic department and you will be asked to come in for a fitting appointment. Due to the long waiting list this may take an additional two weeks, on top of the time it takes for the orthosis to arrive, for you to be seen. 

A made-to-measure orthosis can take up to four weeks to be made. Footwear takes six to eight weeks to be manufactured and will be sent back partially completed for you to try them on to make sure they fit. They are then sent to the factory to be finished which takes three to four weeks.

The orthotist will check that the orthosis fits you properly. Adjustments may be needed and if this is the case, the orthotic device / footwear will be sent back.

Supply - when the orthosis has been completed you may be provided with this at your fitting appointment. If this is not possible you will need a supply appointment where your orthosis will be given to you and the orthotist will show you how to use it and look after it.

Reviews - patients are reviewed on request if they have any problems with their orthosis. We aim to try and get you in as quickly as possible, though high risk patients take priority. 

Please note: If a patient requires a new orthosis a new referral must be sent from the GP, consultant or allied health professional.

Repairs - all repairs to footwear are carried out free of charge to the patient and it is their responsibility to ensure all footwear is kept in a reasonable state of repair. There are no limits to the amount of repairs carried out in a 12 month period. Any shoes bought privately will be charged. Other orthosis can be brought in for refurbishment.

Orthotic allowances
Provisions of orthoses are limited to each patient as follows: 

  • Adult footwear - two functional pairs - a second pair will only be issued after an eight week trial period has been completed. 
  • Adapted footwear or raises (adults and paediatrics) - three only in the first year with two further adaptions in any 12 month period thereafter.
  • Paediatric footwear and piedros - one pair due to rapid growth of wearers.
  • Adult insoles - one pair 
  • Paediatric insoles - one pair, but as required due to growth.
  • Ankle foot orthosis (AFOs) - one only 
  • Knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFOs) - two (These MUST be serviced every six months) 
  • Knee braces - one only 
  • Corsets / abdominal supports / truss - two (one for wearing and one for washing) 
  • Stockings - one pair, and then discharge to GP care
  • All other orthoses – one only or a pair if required 

Please note if you require specific made to measure items these are chargeable unless you are medically exempt and can demonstrate this to your orthotist at your first appointment.

Contact Us


Warrington 01925 662446

Halton 01928 793723


Warrington Hospital

Surgical Appliances / Orthotic Department, 

Kendrick Wing

Halton Hospital Captain Sir Tom Moore Building 

Outpatients Department