Radiology - Angiography

General introduction

Angiography is a test that uses an injection of contrast (X-ray 'dye') to visualise the coronary arteries of the heart using X-rays. The test shows if the arteries have narrowed and helps decide what management of the condition that the patient requires.

How to access this service

Referral for cardiac angiography is made by a consultant cardiologist.

About the team

While you visit the Radiology Department you may meet staff from the administration and clerical team, radiographers, assistant practitioners (AP’s), sonographers / vascular scientists, nurses, radiologists, radiology department assistants (RDAs), porters and student radiographers. The Diagnostic Imaging Systems team are also working in the background.

Useful information

Find out more information about angiography on the website

Contact Us


01925 662335 

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