Photography and filming

Patients or carers may come into contact with or see members of our Clinical Photography or Communication and Engagement Teams working on wards, in our clinics and across the public areas of our hospitals. 

Clinical photography

The Clinical Photography Team take photographs and/or videos of patients' conditions for:

  • wound care management – pressure, diabetic ulcer monitoring
  • dermatological assessment and monitoring
  • treatment planning and surgical monitoring – ear, nose throat (ENT) and breast care
  • teledermatology – self-monitoring service for patients with multiple moles and lesions
  • teaching and research
  • medical publications / journals
  • documenting unusual incidence of disease

Consent is always taken before any clinical photography work is undertaken. 

The team are bound by the Institute of Medical Illustrators code of professional practice and have achieved Level 1 accreditation.

The latest digital technology is used to capture and standardise all images. Images are stored on secure servers within the Trust's IT network and all information is treated as confidential.

All images or videos that have been approved by the patient or carer  for teaching, publication or research use are anonymised. No patient information will be disclosed.

Contact the Clinical Photography Team

Email: or

Call the Trust switchboard: 01925 635911

The department opening hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.

Photography and filming for publicity purposes

Our Communications and Engagement Team and members of staff may take photographs and video to promote our services and the work of the Trust.

Patients and carers may be asked to participate in photography, filming or other publicity activity but are under no obligation to do so. Consent will always be obtained and can be withdrawn at any time.

Contact the Communications and Engagement Team

To discuss any aspect of photography, filming or publicity activity you have been involved in or to discuss withdrawing photo or video consent please contact the team.


Call: 01925 275249

For media enquiries, requests for interviews, filming or photography please email

The Communications and Engagement Team Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).