Spiritual support

The Trust has a team of chaplains who visit the hospital wards regularly. They are available to give confidential spiritual care and pastoral support at times of need and distress. You do not have to be religious to receive a visit.

There is always a chaplain on-call, so if you want to see someone urgently, please ask the staff to contact one of us through the switchboard. If you prefer, we can inform your own minister or faith leader for you.

Each hospital has a chapel / prayer room and both are always open for prayer and quiet reflection.

At Warrington it is situated on the ground floor of Burtonwood Wing, near wards B10 and B11. This chapel has washing facilities for Muslim prayers.

At Halton the chapel is on the upper floor in the Nightingale Building by the entrance to ward B4.

Holy Communion can always be brought to you at the bedside at either hospital. There is a Christian service on Radio General at Warrington every Sunday at 10am.

Contact the Chaplaincy Team

Warrington - 01925 662146 

Halton - 01928 753443

Switchboard - 01925 635911 (and request chaplain on call-urgent requests only please).

Email: whh.chaplaincyandspiritualcare@nhs.net