Equality, diversion and inclusion

We work to be an inclusive employer and provider of healthcare services. Our aim is to provide equality of opportunity and access to all of our patients, staff and members of the public.

We are committed to furthering equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights and reducing inequalities in health across our boroughs.

We have provided information on the documents and reports that we use to monitor our progress as well as demonstrate our achievements under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Our zero tolerance statement - We are kind and inclusive

Uniting against discrimination

Our teams work hard to deliver the very best care for our patients and their families regardless of their race, culture, belief or faith, gender or sexuality, age or if they have a disability.

We are proud that Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals is an inclusive organisation and we recognise and celebrate our differences - being different is what makes us who we are.

This means that we do not tolerate, under any circumstances, any form of racial abuse, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, sexual misconduct or any other form of discrimination by our patients, visitors or by our staff.

We will deal with any form of abuse or discrimination whenever and wherever it arises, directly or indirectly, in a kind, polite and professional manner. We are committed to working and delivering healthcare in an inclusive way which enables all to feel they belong here.

The Trust Board and our leadership teams will support staff where they are exposed to any form of abuse or discrimination and our staff are encouraged and supported to report such incidents, as soon as they occur.

Together we will...

  • Make our services the very best places to receive healthcare, to work and to learn
  • Change attitudes and not tolerate discrimination, harassment, victimisation or violence
  • Make a difference, because together, we encourage and respect diversity

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy objectives

As an NHS organisation, we have both a legal and moral duty to demonstrate fairness and equality to our patients, service users, workforce and local communities.

In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, we reviewed and refreshed our equality objectives in April 2022. Part of this review included the formation of two new strategies:

  • Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025
  • Patient, Service User and Carers Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Strategy 2022-2025

These strategies shape our approach to delivering on the expectations of the Public Sector Equality Duty and Armed Forces Act 2021 whilst supporting the delivery of our commitment to being an inclusive employer and outstanding place to receive healthcare. The content of the strategies was informed by national reports, regulated reporting such as the Workforce Equality Standards and known health inequality data.

The Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025 sets out our commitment to be the best place to work and creating a culture of belonging for all. 

Read the Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025. (CHANGE LINK)

The Patient, Service User and Carers Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Strategy 2022-2025 was developed in partnership with our patients and communities, acknowledging our duty to ensure our hospitals are accessible and that our services address health inequalities in our communities. 

Read the Patient, Service User and Carers Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Strategy 2022-2025. (CHANGE LINK)

Human Rights

The Human Rights Act 1998 provides a vehicle to ensure that human rights are fully considered when decisions regarding access to treatment and services are taken. The act also covers the right to life or quality of life by providing a mechanism for demanding lifesaving treatment and for non-life saving treatment where denial would have a severe impact upon the quality of that individual’s life.

The core principles of human rights are commonly referred to as the FREDA principles, Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity and Autonomy. These core principles are brought to life by a range of different human rights that make them real. NHS trusts and other public sector bodies are obliged to respect human rights.

Freda Principle and corresponding human right:

  • Fairness – right to a fair trial, for example, fair and transparent complaints procedures
  • Respect – right to respect for family and private life, for example, respect for same sex families, homelessness and socioeconomic factors
  • Equality – right not to be discriminated against in the enjoyment of other human rights
  • Dignity – right to not be treated in an inhumane way, for example, supporting to eat and drink
  • Autonomy – right to respect, for example, being involved in decisions about care and treatment

If you have any questions regarding treatment as a patient or carer, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Our role as an employer

We strive to promote diversity and equality of opportunity in employment.

We are proud to be recognised as a Disability Confident Leader, holding the Two Tick Employer Award, which demonstrates that people with a disability or neurodiversity are not disadvantaged in the workplace. To apply for a role at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals, please follow the link to our work with us pages.

In 2022 we achieved the Merseyside and Cheshire Navajo LGBTQ+ Charter Mark. The accreditation recognises our commitment to improving the experience and health outcomes of the LGBTQ+ community – both for our patients and our workforce. The Trust also became a Stonewall Diversity Champion to continue to improve our policies, procedures and workstreams for the future.

As an accredited Armed Forces Friendly Hospital and holding Silver accredition with the Employer Recognition Scheme, we identify and record our patients and staff within the military community to ensure they receive the support needed. We also adhere to the Armed Forces Covenant - a pledge to acknowledge and understand the needs of the armed forces community to build a more open and honest relationship between employers, the Ministry of Defence and reservists.

Staff networks

As part of our commitment to ensuring we listen to diverse views and experiences across our workforce, we are proud to host five staff networks:

  • Multi-Ethnic Staff Network
  • Progress LGBTQ+ Network
  • Disability Awareness Network
  • Armed Forces and Military Veterans Community Staff Network
  • Women's Staff Network

The staff networks have a standing agenda item on the Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee, meet with the Chief People Officer monthly and Chief Executive Officer quarterly. This ensures that our staff network's influence key discussions and strategic projects across our Trust.

Equality analysis / impact assessments

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all protected characteristics and social groups, to ensure no-one experiences any form of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation when visiting or working at our hospitals.

This is monitored through the use of Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) as a tool to evidence that we pay ‘due regard’ to the general aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty (defined within section 149 of the Equality Act 2010), Armed Forces Act 2021 and Human Rights Act 1998.

Accessible Information Standard

For information on how we adopt the Accessible Information Standard to provide information in different formats and support communication needs, visit the Accessible Information and Communication page.

Gender pay gap report

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 requires all public sector organisations with over 250 employees to report and publish their gender pay gap on their website on an annual basis.

The gender pay gap is defined in the Equality Act 2010 as the difference between the average hourly earnings of men and those of women. This is not the same as equal pay, which is concerned with males and females earning equal pay for the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value.

Gender pay reporting highlights any imbalance of average pay across an organisation. For example, if an organisation’s workforce is predominantly female yet the majority of senior positions are held by men, the average female salary would be lower than the average male salary.

The Gender Pay Gap reports for the Trust can be found below:

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023-24 [PDF 319KB]

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-23 [PDF 312KB]

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021-22 [PDF 641KB]

Gender Pay Gap Report 2020-21 [PDF 299KB]

Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report

As part of our commitment at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals we publish an annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion report. This highlights our achievements during the past year, covering ongoing work across service delivery and employment. It also includes our plans to address areas for improvement and highlights our successes.

This report is an important part of our obligation to keep improving our performance under the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty contained within that legislation.

It forms evidence of our commitment to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don’t
  • foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who don’t.

In addition, our annual report also contains our progress to meeting the Armed Forces Act 2021 and Human Rights Act 1998.

You can find the annual report below:

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Annual Report 2023-24 [PDF 1.2MB] 

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Annual Report 2022-23 [PDF 1.6MB]

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Annual Report 2019-21 [PDF 439KB]

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Annual Report 2018-19 [PDF 938KB]

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion Annual Report 2017-18 [PDF 814KB]

Annual Workforce Equality Assessment Report

At Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals we recognise that equality of opportunity is fundamental to developing the organisational culture needed to support a diverse and inclusive workforce. 

On an annual basis we publish our Workforce Equality Assessment report, this gives an overview of all workforce demographics by protected characteristic, this provides a detailed snapshot of the profile of the Trust workforce. By analysing this data across the Trust, we gain insight into how and where barriers may present for our workforce, and an indication of where and when strategic interventions may have the most impact. From March 2024 onwards, reporting of workforce equality and diversity data is presented in the Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report.

Please find previous reports below:

Workforce Equality Assessment Report 2022 [PDF 433KB

Workforce Equality Assessment Report 2021 [PDF 1.3MB]

Workforce Equality Assessment Report 2020 [PDF 867KB]

Workforce Equality Assessment Report 2019 [PDF 2.7MB]

Equality Delivery System Results

The Trust complies with the Equality Delivery System (EDS) reporting which is in place for both patients and its workforce. The Trust participated in the pilot for the refreshed EDS 2022 framework which was completed in the 2022/23 financial year. 

EDS grading is completed on an annual basis and is graded in collaboration with community partners, key stakeholders and the wider public. This is published annually, and reports can be found below:

Equality Delivery System 2023-24 Combined Report [PDF 502KB]

Equality Delivery System 2022 Results And Action Plan [PDF 646KB]

Equality Delivery System 2 Results 2021-22 [PDF 1.1MB]

NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard

Implementing the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is a requirement for NHS healthcare providers through the NHS standard contract. NHS providers are expected to show progress against a number of indicators of workforce equality, including a specific indicator to address the low numbers of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic board members across the organisation.

Each year the Trust submits its data related to the WRES indicators and creates an action plan for improvement. The current and previous action plans can be found below:

WRES Action Plan 2022-23 [PDF 170KB]

WRES Action Plan 2021-22 [PDF 249KB]

WRES Action Plan 2020-21 [PDF 580KB]

WRES Action Plan 2019-20 [PDF 168KB]

WRES Data For Publishing 2018 [PDF 276KB]

NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard

Implementing the Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) is a requirement for NHS healthcare providers through the NHS standard contract. The WDES is a set of ten specific metrics which enables NHS organisations to compare the workplace and career experiences of disabled and non-disabled staff. 

The Trust use the metrics data to develop and publish an action plan. Year on year comparison enables Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals to demonstrate progress against the indicators of disability equality. The current and previous action plans can be found below:

WDES Action Plan For 2022-23 [PDF 171KB]

WDES Action Plan For 2021-22 [PDF 209KB]

WDES Action Plan For 2020-21 [PDF 598KB]

WDES Action Plan For 2019-20 [PDF 186KB] 

WDES Reporting Analysis July 2019 [PDF 985KB]

Contact us about equality, diversity and inclusion

If you have any queries related to regulated reporting or Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, please contact whh.workforceediteam@nhs.net

If you have any queries related to Patient Experience and Patient Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, please contact whh.patient.experience@nhs.net